The Timbatec founder lectures at a further training course for networked planning in timber construction


In industrialized prefabricated timber construction, the sequential planning of disciplines is dissolving. What is needed instead is networked planning by all project participants in interdisciplinary teams that already cooperate in the early phases of planning. Interested parties can obtain know-how on this new type of planning at a workshop at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU), to which Stefan Zöllig from Timbatec has been invited as a speaker.

The Timbatec founder lectures at a further training course for networked planning in timber construction

In the half-day continuing education workshop #3 Planning and Cooperation in Timber Construction on November 22, 2018, know-how will be imparted in input presentations on the special features of industrialized prefabricated timber construction.

For a better understanding of the planning processes in timber construction
The workshop is aimed at specialists and interested parties from the fields of architecture and all areas of planning in the building industry, who want a better understanding of the planning processes in prefabricated timber construction. would like to develop. In interactive workshops, the participants will reflect on their participants will reflect on their knowledge, discuss it in relation to their roles in the team and own practice.

New continuing education series of the HSLU
The workshop is part of the new continuing education series of the Competence Center Typology & Planning in Architecture (CCTP) of the Lucerne School of Engineering & Architecture. It is led by Dr.-Ing. Sonja Geier, deputy head of the CCTP. of the CCTP. Speakers will be Franz Hess of Hess + Egli Attorneys at Law as well as Stefan Zöllig, managing director of Timbatec Holzbauingenieure.

So that planning in timber construction becomes leaner and more efficient
From 2014 to 2017, Stefan Zöllig was an expert in the international "leanWood" research project from 2014 to 2017. Research was conducted on a new type of planning in timber construction that is no longer linear. In addition to Zöllig Zöllig was joined by experts from Germany, Finland, France and Austria. According to Stefan Zöllig, the findings of the research project will result in that planning in timber construction will become leaner and more efficient. He will speak at the event the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts about the research findings.

The Nov. 22 course runs from 4 to 8 p.m. It will take place in the unit "Meet2Create" unit of the NEST laboratory building on the Empa site in Dübendorf. and costs 490 Swiss francs. Interested parties can register by November 1 register at

Flyer of the continuing education workshop


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