Shingle facade from larch wood


The 'Holzbulletin' of Lignum is published four times a year and presents particularly innovative timber construction projects. The current issue is dedicated to the topic of facades and presents two projects in which Timbatec was involved: The Wolf House in Andermatt and a residential building in Wädenswil.

Shingle facade from larch wood

Apartment House Wolf, Andermatt
The mountain village Andermatt has developed into a year-round destination in recent years: Apartment houses, hotels and chalets have been built. The house 'Wolf' with its shingle facade made of larch wood is part of the newly developed part of the village. In view of its location at 1450 meters and the corresponding snow loads a roof with exciting engineering challenges was created. Another challenge was the larch shingle façade, as there was no evidence of fire behavior for a five-storey building. no fire behavior data existed for a five-story design. As part of the planning, the shingle façade was reproduced at a height of five meters and and subjected to a fire test under controlled conditions. under controlled conditions. Thanks to this test, it was possible to demonstrate to the fire protection authority that the protection goals for this façade are achieved.

You can read more about this exciting project in Andermatt can be found in the current issue of the Holzbulletin in our trade press section.

Neudorfstasse-Fluhweg residential development, Wädenswil
Also presented in the also presented in the Wood Bulletin, is the new residential development in Wädenswil with its red wooden facade consisting of superimposed horizontal and vertical bands. The new building will replace 24 small cooperative apartments in three rows of buildings. Timbatec was entrusted with the fire protection planning of the facade of this building. facade.

Further information can be found in the current issue of the Lignum wood bulletin.


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